Why the name and the logo


We take a lot for granted when we communicate with other people; things we see as true and unambiguous, when in reality it is our subjective interpretation of the situation. For example when I think that "You should have known that I..." or when I take for granted that what I say can only be understood in one way – my way.

We need to realise and accept that people see things differently, that we simply have different Viewpoints. To accept this does not merely mean "Of course I realize we see things differently". True acceptance means not wasting time trying to convince someone that my view is the right view, but instead to express my view and my needs while trying to see the other person’s point of view and needs.

If you can do that you will see dramatic benefits. You will for example be much more effective in ordinary, everyday situations if you strive for clarity and mutual understanding rather than taking for granted that everyone understands a problem or a situation the same way you do.

Also, by listening to other people’s views with respect and curiosity you will get a broader input and a more creative climate.

And not the least, we will be much more constructive during conflict resolution when our energy can be focused on listening to one another and finding mutually acceptable solutions instead of fighting over whose picture is the correct. Read more.

Since accepting that people see things differently is such a core component of successful communication, we have chosen to let our name reflect that – Viewpoints.

The logo

Anyone who has ever hiked in mountains knows how different the landscape can appear if you turn around and look back to where you just came from. You can hardly believe it’s the same place. This is an illustration that one place – or one situation in a broader sense – can appear dramatically different from different viewpoints.

There are deserts in the world with huge sand dunes. You have the same effect here as in mountains with different perspectives and viewpoints. But there is an additional aspect: sand dunes move over time. This means that not even from the same place will the view remain the same. In a broader sense, this of course illustrates how our own perspectives and viewpoints change over time.

Therefore sand dunes are suitable as visual symbols for Viewpoints.